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Six Magic Words

Sport Button.
Fourth Gear.
Full Throttle.

(Seems like there could be a haiku lurking in there, doesn't it?)

Here are six more words:

Do Not Attempt on Public Roads.


Hit the sport button.
Put the car into fourth gear.
Open the throttle.

Somehow, though, I bet there's little zen in the outcome of this activity.

Glad to hear you added 'do not attempt on public roads.'

Haiku or Zen koan. Whichever would be fine, except that I don't think this is a linguistic or intellectual exercise.

I know, I know. "A life without risks is an impoverished life." --S. Freud.

But, um..., you take risks every time you and your team creates software.

C'mon, Rich. Opt for a rigorous workout or game of basketball to work out the kinks. Delight in your mortality; don't rush to end it.

Much ado about nothing. Probably. But just in case...

Take care.

I thought maybe Rich was referring to this news item.

Two words:

BMWCCA autocross